:: Volume 4, Issue 4 (5-2016) ::
scds 2016, 4(4): 53-77 Back to browse issues page
Examination of postmodernism and its related factors Youth study in Yazd
Reza Dehbanipor , Yasin Khorampour
Abstract:   (10884 Views)


Postmodernism is a new course that all components of modern and tradition also criticizes period. The virtual world is post-modern culture and media culture in this type of culture, cultural uncertainty disappears and media superficiality of thought is deeply social activists. Theories of postmodernism in the android market is growing strongly in our society. Yet empirical research was done in our community about postmodernism. The study of postmodern society that express the cultural elements of which experts are and which of these elements have penetrated into Iranian society. The research survey of 384 young people 29-16 years of Yazd examined. The survey instrument was a questionnaire and multi-stage cluster sampling was used. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between gender and post-modernism, post-modernism, even though some of the components of a meaningful relationship established with sex. There was no relationship between place of birth and post-modernism. The use of satellite and postmodernism, there was a positive and significant relationship. Variable use of satellites as well as 17% of the variance in the independent variable is explained.

Keywords: Key words: postmodernism, modernism, cultural, Youth, Yazd.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/12/22 | Accepted: 2016/10/18 | Published: 2016/10/18
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