Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, University of Kashan
Abstract: (12548 Views)
Inthisstudy,using theNetworkAnalysis, the topic of Development andUnderdevelopmentin Iran, hasbeen studied, with Historical-ExperimentalApproach and usingSecondary Analysisof Empirical Findings.Thisstudy isbasedonanalysisofsomeNationalSurveys, particular,a NationalSurveyon Iranians CulturalBehaviors and twoNationalSurveys onIranians Values andAttitudes, whichhave been conducted, respectively, in the years 1999, 2000 and 2003.Overall,our findingssuggest that there are relationships between variables of Social Capital,Social Development. Ourassumptioninthisstudywas that Lack ofSocialCapitalhas led to Lack ofSocial Development, and thisphenomenon, in turn, canplay an important rolein Underdevelopment ofSociety.These findingssuggest thatin terms of someimportantelementsofSocial Development, such as Trust inSocialGroups, Social Participation, Commitment to theSocial Values andNorms,BelongingtoNationalIdentity and Culture in Iranian Society,the situationisnot desirable. In our opinion, the lackofSocial Developmentwould leadtoUnderdevelopment of Society. Consequently, ifwe wantto achieve thegoal ofComprehensiveDevelopmentof Society, we should provide required backgroundsto increase the levels ofSocial Capital, and consequently, Social Development.