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Showing 1 results for Daviran

Esmaeil Daviran,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (7-2023)

Social capital is a widely used concept with a very broad structure, the main leaven of which is to create social solidarity and harmony for development in different territorial dimensions. Formative trust and participation and cohesion are the result of social capital. This research has investigated the social capital of student teachers of Farhangian University in the northwest of the country in an explanatory manner with an applied nature in accordance with the comparative approach. The method of data collection is based on the field method and according to the questionnaire, which examines the four dimensions of trust, participation, cohesion and social awareness. The statistical population is the teachers of Farhangian University in the campuses of Zanjan, Ardabil, East and West Azarbaijan provinces, out of about 10,500 students, a sample size of 370 students (using the Cochran method) is selected for the study. The method of data analysis is in the form of concentration radar model, sample T-tech, pair pursuit model based on Shafe and Friedman method. The findings show that the amount of social capital of students in the campuses of Farhangian University in the northwest of the country is in the average level, and based on the sample T-Tech test and Shefeh's follow-up model, there is a significant difference with a weak intensity with a confidence coefficient of 95% and a significance level of less than 0.05. Findings show that the social awareness index with a rank of 3.63 is at the highest level of desirability and Farhangian University of West Azarbaijan province with a rank of 3.24 has the highest level of social capital compared to other studied provinces.

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مجله علمی پژوهشی مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی فرهنگی Quarterly Journal of Socio - Cultural Development Studies
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