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Showing 4 results for mahdavi

Ebrahim Qasemi, Mohammad Sadegh Mahdavi, Ali Reza Kaldi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-2016)

Lack of social capital and a threat to the sense of security is synonymous with social deviance. Because social capital reflects the cooperative behavioral norms, lack of social capital will be reflected actual social deviations. In this paper, the relationship between social capital (social particiption, trust, solidarity and social interaction) and social security (with dimensions of intellectual, physical, financial, speech, occupational and judicial) of a sample of 370 male and female students of the university student,s city of zanjan has been studied. Research methodology, quantitative study with questionnaires and relying on multi-stage cluster sampling and simple random. The results showed that the results of the relationship between underlying variables and the average sense of security indicates that the significant difference between men and women feel safe there. 

Seyed Yaghob Mosavi, Mohammadsadegh Mahdavi, Seysd Yaser Ghorbanpourganji,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (8-2019)

The main objective of this research is the sociological study of the impact of social influences on electoral behavior in Iran's presidential election among citizens living in Mazandaran province. This research is descriptive-analytic and survey is carried out using a researcher-made questionnaire. Using Cochran's formula, 384 individuals were selected as sample size and then statistical sampling was done in a multi-stage sampling method. The theoretical framework of research based on the level of sociological theories has been categorized in three theoretical and operational levels (micro, macro, and median). Field surveys show that women and men, singles and married people differ in terms of electoral behavior, and in terms of location differences There is no difference in living in a city or village and its impact on electoral action. In terms of belonging to job groups and respondents' educational level, there is a significant difference in the type of behavior and participation rate in the elections. Age and income have a reverse and significant relationship with the behavior of the participants in the survey, and the variables of value preferences, media, Social networks, social institutions, social trust, social order, national and religious identity also show a meaningful relationship with electoral behavior.
Mrs Saeedeh Hajali, Dr Mohammad Seyedmirzaie, Dr Mohammad Sadegh Mahdavi,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (1-2020)

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the tendency toward fertility and its social and cultural factors. Fertility and tendency to it are a multifaceted variable that is studied in various sciences. In this research, sociological dimension has been addressed. The dependent variable is a tendency to fertility and independent variables are divided into two parts: social variables (women's education and employment) and cultural variables (gender preference and gender equality). The statistical population of married women aged 20-44 is Tehran. The sample size is 384. The research method is scrolling.In the theoretical framework, the modernization theory, the McDonald's gender equality and the cultural rationality, and cultural evolution and cultural environment   have been used. And data analysis is done using spss software. Spearman correlation and regression and path analysis were used. The results showed that there is a significant statistical relationship between social variables such as education and employment of women and cultural variables such as gender equality and gender preferences and fertility tendency, and in the results Regression showed that education was 15.3%, and female employment was 12.8 and gender preference was 11.5 of changes in fertility tendency.  

Mrs Elham Habibi, Dr Mohamad Sadegh Mahdavi, Dr Mostafa Azkia,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2020)

Considering the necessity of women employment and the effective role of tourism in increasing job opportunities in this paper, we investigated the constraints provided by this job by using the experiences of women tour guide. The methodology in this study was qualitative and by using the Grounded Theory method. Data were collected by interviews and observations. Sampling method was targeted with maximum diversity (21 internal and international (input, output) women tour guides, single, married, single-parent, divorced in Tehran) with theoretical saturation criterion. The collected information was analyzed by coded interviews (open, axial and selective) and the collected concepts and categories. The most important category in this investigation was "constraint of tour leader's phenomenon for women” which covers other categories. The findings show that the gender constraints, gender constructs, low Job Status, Job instability, structural and normative pressure, were among the causes of the emergence of the phenomenon of constraints. And also, conditions such as family conflicts, multiplicity and conflict of role, redefinition of maternal and spousal roles, and the strengthening of male attributes can be among the consequences.

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مجله علمی پژوهشی مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی فرهنگی Quarterly Journal of Socio - Cultural Development Studies
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