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Showing 3 results for rahimi

Hamid Rahimi, Asieh Mohammadian,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (8-2015)

The purpose of this research was to analyzesimple and multiple relationships between social capital and moral intelligence with the responsibility in students at University of Kashan. Research type was descriptive correlative. The statistical population consisted of 7132 students in Universities of Kashan in an academic year 2014-2015.Cocran Formula from the 2700 was used to choose 258 students through the stratified randomized sampling.The instrument used forgathering information were a moral intelligence questionnaire with 40 items in 3 component (honest, forgiveness & compassion), social capital questionnaire with 24 items in 4 components (social partnership, social integration, social belongings& social trust) and a responsibility questionnaire with 42 items in 5 components (self-management, trusteeship, dutiful, organizing & progressivism) based on 5 likert scales. The validity of Questionnaires was confirmed by experts. Through Cronbach alpha coefficient, reliability coefficients were obtained equal to 0.83 for moral intelligence, 0.87 for social capital and 0.91 for responsibility. Data analyses were used in level inferential statistics (correlation, t-test, regression) through SPSS and Amos software’s. Finding showed mean of moral intelligence, social capital and responsibility components are bigger than average (3). There are positive and significant relationship between all of components moral intelligence and social capital with responsibility.

Ardeshir Zabolzade, Hadi Ebrahimi,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (4-2019)

As a general diplomacy arm of the Islamic Republic of Iran, VoSiMa has extensive activities in international broadcasting of its radio and television programs. These programs are broadcast in different languages, such as English, French, Azeri, Arabic, and ... for regional and transnational audiences. The large volume of the organization's international activities is in the form of news and news programs. Three Al-Alam TV channels, Press TV and Hispanic TV channels broadcast news in Arabic, English, and Spanish. In this paper, with a comparative study of international news networks and their performance analysis in the area of ​​branding for the media, a proposal is proposed to integrate the brand of the International Broadcasting Network (IRIB). Based on the proposal, these three networks will continue to operate alongside the International News Network with a name and brand, and each will be known as a branch network of English, Arabic, Spanish and Persian. This can be achieved through the creation of an integrated brand management, which will strengthen the brand's value in the international audiovisual organization.
Dr Mohammad Khademi Kolehlou, Mr Behrooz Rahimi,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (8-2021)

The purpose of this study is to provide a framework for the university business model as a solution for universities to cooperate with businesses. The method of the present study is a qualitative case study and the research method of document analysis, focal groups have been used to collect data. In the documentation section, 60 documents related to academic business models were selected and analyzed. Also, in the focus groups section, 5 business and university experts were selected by criterion sampling method. In order to analyze the data, the most important techniques of reading texts and studying sources including classification and conceptual tables and data reduction were used. In order to validate the findings, the researcher's self-review criteria were used during the data collection and analysis process, as well as the development and rich description of the data to ensure portability. The results of the analysis of business models showed that universities can review and revise their main functions in order to be socially and economically effective in society in the form of business models. Also, the results of developing the academic business model framework showed that the cooperation between universities and businesses can be divided into five levels, including; “Defined process”, “Factors”, “Environment”, “Action” and “Stakeholders”. In general, universities that seek social and economic effectiveness in society can adopt the framework as well as the context and implementation of the business framework and measures recommended in this research.

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مجله علمی پژوهشی مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی فرهنگی Quarterly Journal of Socio - Cultural Development Studies
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