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Showing 1 results for Conceptual Definitions

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Volume 2, Issue 1 (8-2013)

Developmental projects in humanities and social sciences are based on fundamental concepts and their definitions. This paper tries to investigate and scrutinize the definition of “National Identity” among Iranian thinkers and intellectuals. The article studies the works and publishes of seven famous and contemporary thinkers around “national Identity” as the representatives of various majors of humanities and social sciences. The majors which are selected from are Sociology, Political Sciences, History, Persian Literature, Philosophy, and Geopolitics. In conclusion, the paper attains a collection of most accepted definitions of “National Identity”. There are ten more frequent and emphasized items in these definitions. The ten items are a: Homeland, b: Ethnicity and Nationality, c: Culture and rituals, d: Political and governmental system, e: History, f: Economic, g: Language, h: Art & Literature i: Religion and j: globalization.

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مجله علمی پژوهشی مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی فرهنگی Quarterly Journal of Socio - Cultural Development Studies
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