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Showing 4 results for Cultural Identity

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Volume 2, Issue 2 (11-2013)

The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the compliance status of the cultural identityof the members of the social network Face book case study of Tehran University's undergraduate student majors. This paper reviews the status of student commitment to social network facebook, the facebook components and indicators of cultural identity. This paper is exploratory and the results of a survey. The subjects of this study are students of Tehran University undergraduate courses. The data collection techniques used questionnaire and structuralism theories of Anthony Giddens and Stuart Hall's Representation. The findings suggest that membership and participation in the community of single women aged 20 to 22 years compared with men in Face Book more. Sense of belonging to the Persian language، Friendship is based on values ​​and norms, Choose dress and makeup according to the values ​​and norms، respect to different cultures and nationalities Notes and Comments on Face book Students will adhere to the cultural identity of anecdote on Face book On the other hand, students who disagreements with their religious norms - National and tend to less their use of religious symbols and sayings، Interest in learning Linguistic terms Common on Face book suggest a Cultural identity is a lack of to adhere to students. Cultural identity indicates that the content of the benchmark to evaluate students on Face book, change, comparison, and selection is located.

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Volume 2, Issue 4 (5-2014)

Thisstudy investigatesthe impact ofthe Internet onMulticulturalIdentityamongUniversity Students. The main objectiveof thisresearch istheoretical and empiricalstudy ofthe relationship between theInternet andMulticulturalIdentity.In order toachieve this objective, Stuart Hall's theory about Media Communication andMulticulturalIdentityand Manuel Castells' theory about the Internet andNetworkSociety, are studied as Theoretical Framework of Research.The populationstudiedincludes the studentsof Kashan State University and Kashan Medical Sciences Universityin 2013-14 school year (Equivalent to 9540people), that amongthis population, using Cochran's formula, 380people are selected, as theSampleSize. The results of hypotheses tests of this study suggest that there is meaningful and directcorrelations between the variable of Multicultural Identity and the variables of Duration andextent of use ofthe Internet, Proficient inthe use ofinternet, The UseofInternet Scientific Sites,The Use ofInternetArtSites, Shopping Internet Cultural Goods and The Use ofVirtualSocial Networks. Also, the results of theRegression Analysis, shows direct impact of the variables of Social Virtual Networks, The Use ofInternetArtSites and Duration andextent of use ofthe Internet onthe variable of Multicultural Identity.

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Volume 2, Issue 4 (5-2014)

Thisstudy investigatesthe impact ofthe Internet onMulticulturalIdentityamongUniversity Students. The main objectiveof thisresearch istheoretical and empiricalstudy ofthe relationship between theInternet andMulticulturalIdentity.In order toachieve this objective, Stuart Hall's theory about Media Communication andMulticulturalIdentityand Manuel Castells' theory about the Internet andNetworkSociety, are studied as Theoretical Framework of Research.The populationstudiedincludes the studentsof Kashan State University and Kashan Medical Sciences Universityin 2013-14 school year (Equivalent to 9540people), that amongthis population, using Cochran's formula, 380people are selected, as theSampleSize. The results of hypotheses tests of this study suggest that there is meaningful and directcorrelations between the variable of Multicultural Identity and the variables of Duration andextent of use ofthe Internet, Proficient inthe use ofinternet, The UseofInternet Scientific Sites,The Use ofInternetArtSites, Shopping Internet Cultural Goods and The Use ofVirtualSocial Networks. Also, the results of theRegression Analysis, shows direct impact of the variables of Social Virtual Networks, The Use ofInternetArtSites and Duration andextent of use ofthe Internet onthe variable of Multicultural Identity.

Massoumeh Esmaeili, Dr Majid Radfar, Ali Baseri,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (8-2021)

The emergence of social networks as a new, attractive and inclusive space has changed the dimensions and the structure of society. As a result, it has transformed previous identities and encouraged the creation of new ones. These changes have directly and indirectly affected the lives of young people. The present article is the result of research that social networks are interrelated with the cultural identity of young people and their families. For this purpose, based on the theoretical frameworks of identity and media, and relying on the latest available sources and information and research method of data theory of the foundation (52 concepts, and 5 categories), the impact of social networks on youth cultural identity ( Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Azad University of Tehran (center) has been examined. Given that youth is very important as a social situation, it was selected for this study. The results show that social networks are a series of motivational processes that fundamentally transform social-cultural identity, relationships, individuals, families, and phenomena such as individualism, diminishing parental authority, alienation, and growing anxiety.

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مجله علمی پژوهشی مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی فرهنگی Quarterly Journal of Socio - Cultural Development Studies
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