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Showing 1 results for Empowerment.
, , Volume 2, Issue 4 (5-2014)
Rural development should be compatible with environmental
conditions, social and cultural aspects of a society. Rural development is a
step towards self-sufficiency to improve the rural community. Therefore it is
necessary to pay attention to the domestic context. This paper is a fundamental
study and library in order to introduce indigenous knowledge into a relevant
context for rural development and localization and in this regard to consider
indigenous knowledge and its characteristics such as holistic, cumulative,
dynamic and intertwined with the culture of a nation and its practical
application. Not only rural development adapt with local conditions, but also a
community can achieve inner development. Villagers in the shadows of offering
their knowledge and experiences can benefit from the comprehensive development.
Besides it leading to empowerment of rural people rather than mere reliance on,
they feel safe, effective, to be effective, worthwhile and having a choice is created.