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Showing 4 results for Rural Development

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Volume 2, Issue 4 (5-2014)

Rural development should be compatible with environmental conditions, social and cultural aspects of a society. Rural development is a step towards self-sufficiency to improve the rural community. Therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the domestic context. This paper is a fundamental study and library in order to introduce indigenous knowledge into a relevant context for rural development and localization and in this regard to consider indigenous knowledge and its characteristics such as holistic, cumulative, dynamic and intertwined with the culture of a nation and its practical application. Not only rural development adapt with local conditions, but also a community can achieve inner development. Villagers in the shadows of offering their knowledge and experiences can benefit from the comprehensive development. Besides it leading to empowerment of rural people rather than mere reliance on, they feel safe, effective, to be effective, worthwhile and having a choice is created.


Vakil Heidari Sarban,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (11-2015)

Some of researchers are believed that ICT plays important role on social development, rising of the decision-making of rural peoples, enforcement of social capital, decreasing of the effects of natural hazardous, empowerment of the rural poor peoples, promotion of the life quality and etc. the purpose of this paper is survey of ICT role on social development in the rural areas. This research from point view of purpose is developmental and from point view of identity is descriptive and from point view of type is analytical research. Target population in the study was the rural people of located in Meshkinshar County. The needed information by means of questionnaire was collected from rural people of settled in Meshkinshar County. Statistical society of research included all of rural that have had ICT office. In addition for determining sample size the rural peoples of settled in the rural areas of Meshkinshar county was used Cochran formula. Finally, the sample size of rural peoples 195 was determined. The tool of measurement was made researcher questionnaire. The content and face validity of the instrument was specified after several times review and correction by the faculty of members at university and several expertise of administrative offices. The reliability analysis was conducted and Cronbach’s alpha values for the various sections of instrument were estimated to be between 0.87 and 0.92. The results of research showed that there was a statistically significant positive relationship between social consolidation, satisfaction, social participation, employment, and responsibility, access to social services, life quality and enforcement of educational infrastructure and using of ICT services. Finally, based on the results analysis, some applied recommendations have been provided

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Volume 6, Issue 1 (8-2017)

present study was done to measurement the level of rural development in Bushehr province Is an applied research that has been done using methods Multi Attribute Decision Making. Research Methodology descriptive and analytical and the data gathering method documents and collect the purposes of the research data and information on population and housing census statistics tables and forms common(especially Statistical Yearbook 2011 Bushehr province).The study population was rural regions of the province to assess the level of their development, 48 elements in the form of 5 index (infrastructure, Educational, Political-administrative, Healthcare and communicational) official statistics extracted from Bushehr Province and was evaluated using fuzzy TOPSIS technique. The findings of research analysis outlining a regional space in Bushehr Province unequal and unfair allocation of resources and rural services, showed that overall indicators, the city of Bushehr, Kangan has the highest rate of development and the city of Jam and have had late lowest rural development. In the end, to resolve the imbalance in Bushehr and social justice in rural areas of the city, was to provide practical suggestions and determined development priorities with county separation.

Valiollah Rostamalizadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (1-2019)

some rural-urban migrations, especially in countries and regions with strong kinship, tribal, community and ethnic relationships, have led to the creation of ethnic businesses within which entrepreneurial and business elites emerge. In some cases, the financial resources of these people return to their native villages and lead to rural development. Therefore, this research seeks to find the strategies that these migrant entrepreneurs use for rural development. This research is a qualitative study based on the principles of grounded theory. The results indicate that emigrant elites have developed strategies such as the formation of developmental and support institutions, the formation of collective business networks, mutual support, and people’s participation. These strategies have led to the investment in birthplace, developmental measures, and interest in improving youth employment and have affected the development of studied villages. The results also showed that the spirit of demanding progress and the need for success, modeling early pioneer immigrants, attachment to birthplace, the pursuit of ethnic businesses, positive view towards the village, the measures of early migrants, etc. have been important in the creation of immigrant elites and entrepreneurs. 

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مجله علمی پژوهشی مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی فرهنگی Quarterly Journal of Socio - Cultural Development Studies
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