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:: Volume 7, Issue 1 (8-2018) ::
scds 2018, 7(1): 171-194 Back to browse issues page
An analysis on social wellbeing role on increase of life satisfaction (Case study: Esfahan)
Mostafa Omidi , Mansour Haghighatian , Ali Hashemianfar
Abstract:   (5254 Views)
Social wellbeing is how a person reports the quality of relationships with others. On this concept, social wellbeing means a person’s perception of a society as a meaningful and understandable set, with a potential to develop and grow as well as a sense of belonging to society and being participant in its development. Also, life satisfaction is generally defined on overall look at current conditions, from comparison of individual desires to real availability to them. The present paper aims to investigate the social wellbeing role on increase of life satisfaction. The research theoretical framework has been made according to Keyes’s, Lyubomirsky’s and Omid theories. The research method was surveying and the tool to collect data was questionnaire. The population is comprised of all 15-64 years-old citizens from Esfahan. The sample includes 800 people of the population above selected by size-based clustering method. To analyze data and to test the model, SPSS software and Amos software were used respectively. The results show that the mean of scores from both social wellbeing and life satisfaction variables is above the average. This effect of social wellbeing and life satisfaction is meaningful and direct.

Keywords: wellbeing, social wellbeing, life satisfaction, Esfahan
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/01/3 | Published: 2018/08/15
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Omidi M, haghighatian M, hashemianfar A. An analysis on social wellbeing role on increase of life satisfaction (Case study: Esfahan). scds 2018; 7 (1) :171-194
URL: http://journals.sabz.ac.ir/scds/article-1-582-en.html

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Volume 7, Issue 1 (8-2018) Back to browse issues page
مجله علمی پژوهشی مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی فرهنگی Quarterly Journal of Socio - Cultural Development Studies
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