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:: Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-2016) ::
scds 2016, 5(1): 175-204 Back to browse issues page
A comparative study on Cyber Social Capital in Persian, English and French speaking users of Facebook and Google plus
Aliakbar Akbaritabar , Jafar Hezarjaribi
allameh tabatabaei university
Abstract:   (14827 Views)

This research suggests a methodological improvement to study social capital in online social networks. We have designed a measurement tool based on Lin's theory of social resources. It is named Social Village and can be accessed in (http://socialvillage.me). By this tool, we are getting access to profile and friendship data of users of online social networks (Facebook and Google Plus). To access this data, we ask for users’ permission by social login and we have designed a gamified and interesting social survey that helps users get an in-depth knowledge of their online life. This tool combines three structural generators for social capital data (name, position and resource generators) and it has been developed in three languages (English, French and Persian) enabling us to conduct comparative studies. Based on our results presented in this report, 412 users in sample of our study know who they are connected with in online social networks, they know their friends’ socio-economic positions and they are providing or receiving various resources through their online friendships and their level of social capital is signifacntly correlated with their activities in online social networks and some other variables that are discussed in the report.

Keywords: Social Capital, Online Social networks, Measurement tool, Social network analysis, Facebook, Google plus
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/07/24 | Accepted: 2016/12/20 | Published: 2017/05/7
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akbaritabar A, hezarjaribi J. A comparative study on Cyber Social Capital in Persian, English and French speaking users of Facebook and Google plus. scds 2016; 5 (1) :175-204
URL: http://journals.sabz.ac.ir/scds/article-1-314-en.html

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مجله علمی پژوهشی مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی فرهنگی Quarterly Journal of Socio - Cultural Development Studies
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