1. Andrew F.Hermann (2008) « Narratives and Sensemaking in the New Corporate University:The Socialization of First Year Communication Faculty, tor of Philosophy Department of Communication College of Arts and Sciences University of South Florid. 2. Bermudez-Parsai Nieri, Tanya (2014) «Gap or overlap? Parent-child acculturation differences in mexican immigrant families», Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 36.4 3. Deborah Tannen. Shari Kendall. Cynthia Gordon(2007) «family talk-Discourse and Identity in Four American Families», Oxford University Press, Inc., publishes works that further Oxford University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education. 4. Laclau Ernesto-(1990) «New Reflection on the Revolution of our time» by verso-London 5. Karen R.Foster(2011) «Gneration,Discourse and Social change», Thesis submitted to the facualty of graduate and postdoctoral affairs in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology, Carleton university Ottawa,Ontario