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Volume 1, Issue 2 (11-2012)

Although many experimental studies have confirmed the effect of family's cultural capital on educational achievement, evaluating the mechanism of its effect is controversial. The survey aimed at investigating the mechanism of evaluation quality into cultural capital impact on educational achievement. Using a survey method, this empirical study was conducted. In academic year 89-90, middle and high school students of Jovein Township were the population of the survey. By proportional stratified sampling, 369 students were selected as sample size. The results show that the parent’s cultural capital significantly affect the educational success of their children. However, the study findings did not significantly support the impact of evaluation causal mechanism on the children's educational success.


Soleiman Pakseresht,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (11-2012)


This paper deliberates on how the results from assessments of social impacts should be applied for analyzing studies. On the other words, The question is that how a researcher should comprehend different but related impacts in a systematic way. And which methodological paradigm should be chose on this systematic framework in designing social researches? Inspired by Pawson and tilly (1997), the article tries to add critical realism implications to the research design of social impact assessment studies. The critical realism paradigm by emphasizing on the organic links between different levels of reality and the way in which causal consequences appear, could be a useful theoretical and methodological framework for guiding social impact assessment studies.

Seyed Abdolhosein Nabavi, Saham Salemian, Bahar Habibian,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (2-2013)

This paper studies the effecting factors of occurrence in Vandalistic behavior of male and female students of Koutabdollah district of Ahwaz. According to the considered theories, the relationship between gender, socioeconomic status, educational achievement, interpersonal variables (including feelings of relative deprivation, discrimination, self-esteem, continence), and social link (home, school& friends) with incident Vandalistic behaviors are investigated. 

Survey method is used and to select the statistical sample, classified random sampling method is applied and sample size of 385 students was selected using Cochran formula. Data collection tool in this study was questionnaire and the hypotheses are analyzed using Pearson's correlation test, T test and multi-factorial regression. Results illustrate that with the exception of gender, there is relationship between all mentioned variables with Vandalism. As the research model could specify 50 percent of the independent variables variance with dependent variables, we can claim that it has a noticeable predictive power.


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Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-2014)

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of family functioning on Vandalistic behavior among high school students in Javanrood city, Kermanshah province. Various perspectives about deviant behavior, vandalism and family functioning scales are reviewed and the MC Master Model is used to building the theoretical framework and hypotheses. Research method adopted is correlation analysis and survey. Participants are 357 high school students in Javanrood city. Data is analyzed by the SPSS software. The findings show that there is a statistical significant negative relationship between the three dimensions of family functioning (family roles, problem solving, and expressing emotional feelings) and the level of vandalistic behavior in high school students. According to multiple regression  analysis, problem solving with -0/737Beta, emotional express with -0/692 Beta, family roles with -0/069Beta are important predictors respectively. The most important predictor of vandalistic behavior was problem solving in family. 

Karim Rezadoost, Alihosin Hossinzadeh, Ehsan Kohansal,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (11-2014)

This research is about social consensus and the effective factors on it in Dehdasht (A city of kohkiloieh and Boier ahmad state). 389 Participants were 15 years old and older, used multistage cluster sampling method and a questionnaire as an instrument that was used for the data collection. The results have shown that social participation, specific social confidence, general social confidence, or social confidence generalized and social economic status have the direct and meaningful relation with dependent variable and so sense of anomie, fatalism, sense of comparative deprivation have the opposite and meaningful relation with the social consensus. Regeration analyses have shown interred variable in this investigation explain 37 per cent of dependent variable variance and here social participation plays the most role in variance explanation of the social consensus. Pass Analysis results have shown social-mental economic status and general social trust don’t have any effect on universalism explanations but have an indirect effect on universalism through deprivation sense and Social participation.
Mehdi Hoseinabadi, Ali Asghar Saidi, Mansour Haghighteyan,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (8-2015)

هدف این پژوهش، مطالعه جامعه شناختی رابطه کارگران، کارفرمایان و دولت در تنظیم روابط کار صنعتی است. گفتگوی اجتماعی سه جانبه در روابط کار صنعتی ایران تحقق نیافته و همواره این رابطه درگیر تنش‌های مختلفی بوده است. بررسی این رابطه تنش آمیز (اجتماعی – فرهنگی) در بنگاه های اقتصادی زمینه مطالعات میان رشته ای را فراهم می کند. نظریه های جامعه شناسی به تبیین علل بروز این تنش‌ها از ظهور انقلاب صنعتی تا رشد صنایع در قرن بیستم پرداخته‌اند..مثلا مارکس به تبیین این رابطه از نظر تحلیل طبقاتی پرداخت؛ نظریه پدر سالاری، روابط سازمانی، نظریه حدوث و گفتمان فوکو نیز این رابطه را از زوایای دیگری بررسی نموده‌اند، که راهنما و لنز نظری محقق در توصیف و درک تاریخ معاصر روابط کارگری و کارفرمایی ایران بوده‌اند. این تحقیق به دنبال پاسخ گویی به این سؤال اصلی است که وضعیت گفتگوی اجتماعی در روابط کار صنعتی کنونی ما چگونه است؟ یافته های این تحقیق بر اساس روش تحقیق کیفی چندگانه و از طریق مصاحبه عمیق فردی، گروهی متمرکز جمع آوری شده است. که بیان گر این امرند که در حال حاضر از یک سو وجود تشکل‌های مختلف کارگری و کارفرمایی، ضعف هماهنگی در بین آن‌ها، عدم تمرکز در بین تشکل‌های کارگری و کارفرمایی و نرسیدن به یک دستور مشترک عامل مهمی در عدم برقراری گفتگوی اجتماعی در محیط کار است. از سوی دیگر با استفاده از نظریه گفتمان می‌توان بیان کرد که تولید و درک مختلف معنایی از گفتگوی اجتماعی توسط کنش گران مختلف در روابط کار صنعتی نیز سبب کنش‌های متفاوت و متعارضی شده که گفتگوی اجتماعی را با چالش مواجه کرده است. نگرش پدرسالارانه کارفرمایان به کارگران وجود گفتگوی اجتماعی را به ضرر منافع جمعی دانسته، تشکلات مختلف کارگری نیز قادر نبودند حول مساله مشترک خود به اجماع برسند و همین امر موجب طرد گفتگوی اجتماعی شده است، همچنین منفعت طلبی کارفرمایان سبب شده تا هیچ تفویض اقتداری از سوی آن‌ها به کارگران در محیط کار صورت نگیرد، به نظر می‌رسد که کنش‌های دو طرف بر اساس اصل کنش عقلانی و منافع جمعی انعکاس یافته، اصل گفتگوی اجتماعی را نقض و به جای اینکه هر دو طرف بخشی از منافع خود را معطوف به طرف دیگر نماید تا منافع مشترک به حداکثر برسد، در صدد به حداکثر رساندن منافع خود هستند، پدیده ای که به آن تنش و تضاد در روابط سازمانی و صنعتی گفته می‌شود

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Volume 4, Issue 2 (11-2015)

The aim of this study is to measure the bio-environmental effects on the development of mass-tourism Tameshkelvillage (Tonekabon) located on the north of Iran. This study measures the attitude of the host and guest community and the objective documents. The area of the present study covers 18 villages,2481 households, and 9024 people who live in Neshtai district in Tonekabon.The method used for this study is a survey with random sampling.More than 190 households lived in 9 sample villages and 180 tourists responsed to the questionnaires. The data were gathered and analyzed by parametric statistic tests. The results show that the development of tourism and the poor management in the local villages have negative effects onthe natural resources destruction, the misusage of farmland and gardens and the increase of environmental pollutions. The results also clear that based on the attitudes of host and the guest comunition and the objective documents and lack of effective programings caused negative results on the bio-environmental tourism in the area.

Reza Dehbanipor, Yasin Khorampour,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (5-2016)


Postmodernism is a new course that all components of modern and tradition also criticizes period. The virtual world is post-modern culture and media culture in this type of culture, cultural uncertainty disappears and media superficiality of thought is deeply social activists. Theories of postmodernism in the android market is growing strongly in our society. Yet empirical research was done in our community about postmodernism. The study of postmodern society that express the cultural elements of which experts are and which of these elements have penetrated into Iranian society. The research survey of 384 young people 29-16 years of Yazd examined. The survey instrument was a questionnaire and multi-stage cluster sampling was used. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between gender and post-modernism, post-modernism, even though some of the components of a meaningful relationship established with sex. There was no relationship between place of birth and post-modernism. The use of satellite and postmodernism, there was a positive and significant relationship. Variable use of satellites as well as 17% of the variance in the independent variable is explained.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (5-2016)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of social networks on political activism among students was Esfahani. Actors, ability and having the will and the ability of social action and the use of tools, symbols, signs in the context of social values, and mechanisms in technologies, for mutual communication. Political actors in dialogue and collective behavior within the range of interests, institutions and social networks, formation and expansion of civic participation and political action of the web 2. The method used in this study is a survey. Techniques of data collection was a questionnaire whose reliability is the formal method - content and its reliability was measured by Cronbach's alpha statistic. The research population consisted of all undergraduate university students that volume 384 samples were selected by cluster sampling. The data collected and analyzed using spss software was analyzed. The results of the analysis of the data showed that social networks and political action in case there is a significant relationship.

Yazdan Karimi Monjarmoei, Mahnaz Farahmand,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (11-2016)

Vandalism is one of deviations of the modern society caused by rapid social changes, the growth of anomie, growing desires of humans, and their frustration at failing to satisfy such desires. Sociologically, vandalism is defined as the malicious behavior involving deliberate destruction of, or damage to, public or private property. This survey aimed to study the social factors affecting vandalism. The statistical population consisted of youth aged 15-20 in Lordegan, Iran. A total of 360 were enrolled as the sample using the Morgan table. Multistage cluster sampling was employed. Data were collected using the (Javaher Chian, Master thesis in sociology, 2013) Standard Questionnaire. Data were then analyzed using the descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression method. Findings showed that use of mass media, association with offenders, and alienation had a positive, significant relationship with the dependent variable. Social bond, however, had an inverse, significant relationship with the dependent variable. The results of multiple regression method showed that, in total, independent variables explained 21.6% of dependent variable variance.

Jaber Baghri, Dr Mostafa Azkia, Dr Mohammad Mirzaee,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (2-2017)

Henry Ford created a system that consisted of syndicate, accuracy and expertise in company. This creative idea became Fordism phenomenon and helped the affluence andprosperity of economic inthe united state during 1940 to 1960s. He was the first person who used the production line for producing cheap automobile. Not only he created a revolution inAmerica and Europe industry, but also his proposal forintegration the mass products, high wages for workers and low price, effected on economy and societies in twenty century that called Fordism.

      Fordism consequences in Iran were createdon economy, cultural and social fieldsandcaused tofundamental changes in economic, cultural and social structure such as GDP growth, developing industry and services, changes inrelations of  agriculture, increasing cities and rural migration, transubstantiation of traditional culture and replacing western culture, developing new middle classes and changing in social categories and increasing communication tools and growing consumerism.

      Accirding to research subject, the nearest method that help researcher to get first hand information wasoral history method. So,the data were collected by using oral history method and them by analyzing the second doucuments, we investigated the Fordism consequences sociological in Iran.

Mrs , Dr , Dr ,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (5-2017)

The present study seeks to identify the potentials of the development of ecotourism in the view of condition of local community. Urmia Lake is one the largest lakes in Iran which plays an important role in the socio-economic and environmental sectors in this region. However, due to the fact that the lake has shrunk substantially, it brought about national and international concerns.

The study with focus on qualitative methods employed semi-structured interviews in persons and groups and some observations. The study population consisted of all stakeholders concerning the revival of the lake and the potentials of the development of ecotourism in the area. Purposive sampling with snowballing method was used to find the informants. The techniques of SWOT, IEA, and QSPM were employed for strategic evaluations. Based on the results of external and internal factors, it was found that the most appropriate strategy for the development of ecotourism in the basin would be adaptive strategy. Among the identified strategies, the strategy of the formation of integrated management with the function of inter-province for the restoration of Urmia Lake was suggested as the most appropriate strategy for sustainable development of the ecotourism in basin.

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Volume 5, Issue 4 (5-2017)

This study  aimed  at  investing types and degree of social deviation a many 12-18 years old students of Sari city in academic year 1394-95. the data for the study comes from 384 students, selected by the use of stratified sampling, factor analysis is utilized to classify around 50 Likert-type questions related to different areas of social deviation, to identify main types of deviations, t-tests& Anova are used to examine the existence of meaningful differences a many students subgroups .Finding  show that 5 types of deviations are experienced by the students, including drug addiction(5.5%),vandalism(8.3%)cultural deviations(9.6%)new-formed deviations(14.5%), and nature deviations(15.6%).

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Volume 6, Issue 1 (8-2017)

.  Max weber in his idea and opinions indicate that religion despite its limitation has a way of flexibility and humility coaching's and taught that allows clergyman to give new interpretations feet to new situations

In the course of constitution revolution (enghelab mashroteh) must of clergies not only have been neutral to retrogression of society and didn’t show any reaction but some of them used verses of holy book and religious stories to support  tyrannical ways monarchs they even used religious thoughts in opposition of new liberal education and modern organization. On other hand there were clergy's and intellectuals who seeked to represent independent and liberal interpretation of religious taught

They belief not only religion agrees with new education it also has the same basic principal. Important point is that traditional intellectual all desire development and evolution for (omat shieh »shieh nation« but agree in the course of evolution a major part of religious traditions that is a part of cultural history will be lost they believe by setting new rules social independents and development  and protection of cultural religious history will

Dr Mostafa Azizi Shamami,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (8-2017)

The present paper aims to explore mechanisms for marketing in non-profit higher education institutions. In doing so, mix method design was applied. A purposive sample of 10 informants was selected. Findings were organized under mechanisms for marketing development in higher education. Based on qualitative findings, an initial questionnaire was designed. After ensuring its reliability and validity, we administered it with a sample of 120 non-profit deans of higher education institutions. Using PLS, first and second order factor analysis was used to validate the proposed model. Results are presented as follows: The components segmentation: geographical factors, demand behavior (behavior), demographic and psychological; the choice of target market part: components absorbers and market success factors in each section; in the mechanism of positioning: focus on customer perception ,emphasizing the competitive advantage and an emphasis on basic resources; and in mix marketing mechanism part: process, physical evidence, product (educational program), personnel, promotions and pricing were Confirmed.

Seyed Salar Ajtahed Nejad Kashani, ,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (11-2017)

This paper is an attempt to suggest an alternative theoretical apparatus for sociological analysis of modernity in Iran. The sociological analysis of modernity in Iran often has based on presuppositions of classical sociology and Modernization theory. The evolutional approach of these theories prevents the achievement of adequate explanations for modernity in Iran. Multiple Modernities approach has presented an analytical framework for crossing the limits of Modernization theory in the analysis of modernity, but also this approach suffers from some ambiguities and shortcomings: scrutiny of S. N. Eisenstadt’s theory of Multiple Modernities shows his ignorance of the impact of imperialism, colonialism and otherness processes in the extension of modernity from European countries to other parts of the world. The role of creative agency in the development of modernity in non-western societies is also underestimated in his work. Another problem in his theory is related to the level and the units of analysis. Regarding above issues, this paper tries to move forward from the theory of Multiple Modernities and suggests a multi-level theoretical apparatus for the analysis of modernity in Iran. This theoretical apparatus analyzes modernity in five levels contains world system, colonial confrontation, societal modernity, modern social movements and modern agency.​

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Volume 6, Issue 3 (2-2018)

The research instrument is questionnaire. This questionnaire is composed of 36 indicators in three categories of variables economy, culture and environment. To ensure validity, the questionnaire was placed at the disposal of experts to evaluate the reliability of the results was 903. Cronbach's alpha coefficient equal Data analysis have done by using SPSS and AMOS software. Single sample T-test has been used for examining the research hypotheses and Freedman test has been applied for ranking the effects of development of ecotourism. The results showed that between the economic, cultural, environmental, the most important dimension is economic, cultural and environment are in their next orders. According to the results of T-test, average number of respondents to the effect of tours on economic variable is significantly higher than the average number of this component. Hence, the hypothesis is confirmed and it can be inferred that ecotourism tours have affected economic of Damavand. In investigation of the effect of   social and cultural variables, the results of the test demonstrate effectiveness of ecotourism tours on the studied region and finally the results about environmental effects has confirmed this effectiveness.

Dr Mohsen Shafiei Nikabadi, Mr S. Behnam Razaviyan,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (2-2018)

One of the important issues that matters to charities is the issue of loyalty and continued assistance to former charities and the entry of more people into these cases. Investing in charity loyalty is an effective investment for charity organizations. For this purpose, this article aims to identify and rank effective indicators on the loyalty of the benefactors. For this purpose, by first reviewing the literature and a survey of managers of these experienced institutions and experienced charities, the indicators of loyalty of the charities and then the Fuzzy Delphi method are identified as important indicators and then the impact of the indicators together with the structural method of interpretation, one of the methods Research in soft operations is measured. After analyzing the data of this research, factors affecting the level of loyalty of charities in charities were identified. The results showed that all factors of trust in charity, spiritual orientation, continuous advertising, expectation matching, empathy, social responsibility and charity history have a direct and significant relationship with the loyalty of the benefactors.
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Volume 6, Issue 4 (5-2018)

Usually young generation in traditional cities grappling with several issues. Attractions modern life and the limitations of traditional life in limbo tendency to treat them with the new and traditional.In this regard, this article seeks to explore the issue of what factors influence students towards new behaviors among high school girls in Meybod. Research method was survey and Data collected by a questionnaire. The population of research were female high school students of Iran, Meybod in 2014-2015 academic year. Number of 384 students according to Cochran’s formula using  Random Stratified Sampling were chosen. Research instrument was approved by content validity and Cronbach’s alpha was used to evaluate the reability. tendency toward modern behaviors Has Measured in Four dimension(Tend toModernleisure activities,Tend toManagementbody, Tend toModernverbalbehaviorand Tend toRelationshipwith the opposite sex).Findings of the study showed that among independent variables Age, Socio-economic status, Field of Study, Individualism,Materialism,Secularism,Rationalism,Gender Egalitarianism,Parentsmodernization, Conformitywith friends had significant relationship with tendency toward modern behaviors. multiple regression showed that Six Variables included Materialism,Individualism,Parentsmodernization,Gender Egalitarianism,Age, and Socio-economic status are important variables for explanation ofteenagers’ tendency toward modern behaviors. Result of regression analysis showed that independent variables used in equation explain 42 percent of dependent variable variance.
Dr Hamdollah Sojasi Qeidari, Miss Hamideh Mahmoodi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (8-2018)

The present study seeks to investigate the role of cultural-historical attractions of rural destinations in the development of cultural tourism in the rural areas. This is an applied research conducted in a descriptive-analytical method. Based on studies on two cities of Mashhad and Binalud, 14 rural areas with­ historical and cultural attractions were selected as the sample. Using Cochran's formula, the volume of tourists and the host community was determined 196 and 222 respectively. The scope of analysis in this study was "households". The data acquired from questionnaires were analyzed using the statistical analysis methods. The findings show that in these villages, attractions, facilities, services and cultural factors higher than the moderate level, can totally have a positive effect on socio-cultural, cultural-environmental development and development of cultural tourism in general. Besides, in ARAS model for socio-cultural dimension of cultural tourism, the village of Miami was on the top, and the village of Chahak was in the last place. Also according to the research findings, despite many problems in the study area, taking care of the facilities and rural infrastructure of the villages with tourist attractions and relevant advertisements in Mashhad ­can make way for growth of cultural tourism

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مجله علمی پژوهشی مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی فرهنگی Quarterly Journal of Socio - Cultural Development Studies
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