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Showing 3 results for Effects

, , ,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (11-2015)

The aim of this study is to measure the bio-environmental effects on the development of mass-tourism Tameshkelvillage (Tonekabon) located on the north of Iran. This study measures the attitude of the host and guest community and the objective documents. The area of the present study covers 18 villages,2481 households, and 9024 people who live in Neshtai district in Tonekabon.The method used for this study is a survey with random sampling.More than 190 households lived in 9 sample villages and 180 tourists responsed to the questionnaires. The data were gathered and analyzed by parametric statistic tests. The results show that the development of tourism and the poor management in the local villages have negative effects onthe natural resources destruction, the misusage of farmland and gardens and the increase of environmental pollutions. The results also clear that based on the attitudes of host and the guest comunition and the objective documents and lack of effective programings caused negative results on the bio-environmental tourism in the area.

Saieed Mortazavi, Davood Khani,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (2-2016)

The relationship between technology and cultural context is considered by many scholars. Whereas managers as part of their duties, develop organizations' technology, analysis of environmental changes can help them predict the dominant technology. In this study, whilst introduce the different approaches of relationship between technology and culture, different aspects of this relationship and the intricacies of this process has been studied library. Historical trends indicate that the interaction of culture and technological developments. Opposition of Cultural elements of the "Heritage" and "technology" is at the heart of this interaction. Role of government decisions and policies of traditional intellectuals and ideology in the balance of this contrast is undeniable. In this study, in a model inputs and outputs of the technological development in the short and long term has been identified and "Birth to decline" process of a technological style in a cultural context has been studied Which can be used to improve the cultural policies of industrialized countries.

, , ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (2-2018)

The research instrument is questionnaire. This questionnaire is composed of 36 indicators in three categories of variables economy, culture and environment. To ensure validity, the questionnaire was placed at the disposal of experts to evaluate the reliability of the results was 903. Cronbach's alpha coefficient equal Data analysis have done by using SPSS and AMOS software. Single sample T-test has been used for examining the research hypotheses and Freedman test has been applied for ranking the effects of development of ecotourism. The results showed that between the economic, cultural, environmental, the most important dimension is economic, cultural and environment are in their next orders. According to the results of T-test, average number of respondents to the effect of tours on economic variable is significantly higher than the average number of this component. Hence, the hypothesis is confirmed and it can be inferred that ecotourism tours have affected economic of Damavand. In investigation of the effect of   social and cultural variables, the results of the test demonstrate effectiveness of ecotourism tours on the studied region and finally the results about environmental effects has confirmed this effectiveness.

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مجله علمی پژوهشی مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی فرهنگی Quarterly Journal of Socio - Cultural Development Studies
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