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Showing 11 results for National Identity

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Volume 1, Issue 2 (11-2012)

This study investigates the factors that are influential on the collective identity of the majority of Gilaki citizens of Rasht, Iran. The study rests on a survey utilizing a questionnaire as the data gathering instrument. The population is 443,666 Gilaki citizens of the city, adults over 18. The sample size is 383 participants. The understandability of the questions is satisfied by using the face validity of the questionnaire, and the reliability is concerned by Cronbach’s Alpha.

The results show that the degree of the respondents’ inclination towards their local, national, and global identity is from medium to high levels, with the priority to respectively the local identity, national identity, and finally global identity. Also, results indicate that the collective identity has a significant relationship with the feeling of discrimination, intelligibility of the political system, and social interaction. The adjusted coefficient of determination shows that 14.6% of the alterations in collective identity are explained by the independent variables. Social interaction and the intelligibility of the political system, with the regression coefficients of respectively .338 and .148, were effective on collective identity

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Volume 2, Issue 1 (8-2013)

Developmental projects in humanities and social sciences are based on fundamental concepts and their definitions. This paper tries to investigate and scrutinize the definition of “National Identity” among Iranian thinkers and intellectuals. The article studies the works and publishes of seven famous and contemporary thinkers around “national Identity” as the representatives of various majors of humanities and social sciences. The majors which are selected from are Sociology, Political Sciences, History, Persian Literature, Philosophy, and Geopolitics. In conclusion, the paper attains a collection of most accepted definitions of “National Identity”. There are ten more frequent and emphasized items in these definitions. The ten items are a: Homeland, b: Ethnicity and Nationality, c: Culture and rituals, d: Political and governmental system, e: History, f: Economic, g: Language, h: Art & Literature i: Religion and j: globalization.
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Volume 2, Issue 3 (2-2014)

One concern of all governments and nations is to preserve national identity. Cultural and historical heritage Survival and stepping into the path of comprehensive development depends on building social harmony and integration. Strong sense of national identity enables the achievement of these goals. In this regard, the capacity of the family at strengthening national identity is considered. In this context, for the field research, students of Amouzegari University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan were selected (a similar study can be effective to assess other sociability resources, including cultural institutions, religious institutions, policies institutions etc. that demands other researchers’ efforts). Upcoming research used questionnaires of 373 out of 9000 students from the University (using Cochran's formula) randomly selected, and data were collected by the researcher. Then, using SPSS software, data were analyzed. At the end, results presented with offers.

Hossein Masoudnia, Raziyeh Mehrabi Kooshki, Nahid Kiani,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (11-2014)

Local and ethnical awareness has highly increased in the contemporary age. Especially, some people believe that factors such as globalization have intensified ethnical sentiments followed by weakening of national identity. On the contrary, some others believe that the increase of ethical tendencies is not in conflict with national identify of people and can be improved. Today, experimental examination of each of these viewpoints in the societies with various ethnics and languages is considered as a necessity because adopting identity-based policies in such societies and especially in Iran requires constant observation and monitoring of tendency level of active population and especially young individuals of the society in national and ethnical identity. The present research aims at examining the relationship between national and ethnical identities among Kurd, Turkish, Lor and Fars students at the University of Tehran in the academic year 2013-14 and their backgrounds were also considered. A surveying method was used to collect data extracted by distribution of a questionnaire among 294 samples and the data was then analyzed by SPS22 software. Findings indicate that despite common popular beliefs among some viewpoints, there is no contradictory relationship between national and ethnical identities. The findings of this research show that there is a positive and synergic relation between national and ethnical identities. Moreover, analysis of the effect of their background on national and ethnical identities indicate that gender, field of study and level of education are the most predictors of national identity and type of religion predicts the highest variance of national identity among students.
Dr Zohreh Gharibian, Professor Abdolvahed Shemalov, Dr. Gholamreza Khoshfar,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (8-2015)

With purpose of determining tendency difference towards national identity based on belonging to ethnic minorities, the research tries to answer following question: is national identity tends to be based on different ethnic groups? The research is a descriptive – survey research. Statistical population consists of all students studying in Azad and State Universities in center of Golestan Province. According to the latest statistics, their number was 83110 persons. Cochran formula was used to determine sample volume. After removing incomplete questionnaire, obtained data from 430 participants were analyzed. Under – studied statistical sample was selected using random stratified sampling method. Needed data was collected using researcher – made questionnaire. Validity of tools was measured using nominal validity method and its reliability was calculated using Cronbach' Alpha which consist of 785/0respectively. Data analysis was conducted in two inferential and descriptive levels. The results indicate that behavioral dimension of national identity in students is higher than other dimensions (cognitive and emotional dimensions), but average indicator indicate that totally students' tendency towards national identity is in high level (4.118 of 5). Comparing ethnic groups in terms of tendency to national identity indicated that there is not a significant difference between ethnic groups in terms of tendency to national identity. Trivial differences show that Kurdish students have the maximum tendency, while Lor students have the minimum one, after Kurds, Turks and Turkmen. Persians are ranked in fifth rating and Sistani's are placed close to Persians as a lingual group. Ranking students' tendency in terms of study field indicated that there is a significant difference in this regard, so that the student studying in the fields of technical and engineering and then basic sciences have the maximum tendency, while the students in the fields of medical sciences and agricultural sciences are placed in last ratings.

Esfandiar Ghafarinasab, Seyyed Ebrahim Mosavat, Mohammad A. Ghaseminejad, Ahmad Alayi,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (5-2016)

National identity is a subjective sense of belonging to a specific national group, which is accompanied by a complex set of cognitions and emotions that express one attitudes towards this  group and other national groups.This study aims to study the social  and cultural factors related to national identity among over 15 year old citizes of Eghlid by the theory of  Castells as theoretical framework. The  method of this study was quantitative survey with questionnaire. 400 young people (over 15 year old) in Eghlid city by multistage cluster sampling were elected and were analyzed. The validity of questionnaire by face validity were obtained and reliability of research was verified by Cronbach's Alpha.Base on findings among 8  hypotheses in the study, 7 hypotheses were verified. Multivariate regression has shown that rate of religiosity (22 percent), age (6  percent), the communicative network expansion (5 percent) and rate of using media (3  percent) have explained 36  percent of the variations of dependent variable (national identity). 

Dr Asadollah Babaiefard,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (5-2017)

In this study, using the Network Analysis, the topic of Development and Underdevelopment in Iran, has been studied, with Historical-Experimental Approach and using Secondary Analysis of Empirical Findings. This study is based on analysis of some National Surveys, particular, a National Survey on Iranians Cultural Behaviors and two National Surveys on Iranians Values ​​and Attitudes, which have been conducted, respectively, in the years 1999, 2000 and 2003. Overall, our findings suggest that there are relationships between variables of Social Capital, Social Development. Our assumption in this study was that Lack of Social Capital has led to Lack of Social Development, and this phenomenon, in turn, can play an important role in Underdevelopment of Society. These findings suggest that in terms of some important elements of Social Development, such as Trust in Social Groups, Social Participation, Commitment to the Social Values ​​and Norms, Belonging to National Identity and Culture in Iranian Society, the situation is not desirable. In our opinion, the lack of Social Development would lead to Underdevelopment of Society. Consequently, if we want to achieve the goal of Comprehensive Development of Society, we should provide required backgrounds to increase the levels of Social Capital, and consequently, Social Development.

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Volume 7, Issue 1 (8-2018)

The education system plays a key role in relation to education,cultural heritage and consequently, strengthen national identity but in case of inability and inefficiency of the educational system for training in cultural heritage and strengthening national identity,citizens,students can of national identity and cultural heritage alienated.This is due to the centralized system of curriculum and information and communication technologies such as the Internet and satellite will double role.Due to this,this article’s goal are that qualitative content analysis method to pay that in book school as one of the most effective public education programs to what extent the issue has been dealt with cultural heritage?In order to access research purposes,the literature review component of the built heritage,after research data with qualitative methods in school textbooks were collected.The results showed that despite taking a part of the PersianBook this period as a"national homeland"and the brief refers to nationalfigures, mythology,customs and national holidays in other books of this period;Because of the importance of the subject and also primary targets in this regard is still to be felt weakness and in the beginning we are and the need for more coherent training component of cultural heritage in order to strengthen national identity to be felt

Ph.d. Tajlil Jalil, Negar Rashid, Ph.d. Ali Mohammad Sajjadi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (1-2019)

One of the main areas of socialization is the strengthening and reproduction of national identity; it is felt more urgent in developing societies than in other societies due to the ongoing political, social and cultural developments. In Iran, attention was paid to national identity simultaneously with the acquaintance of Iranians with the manifestations of Western culture. Meanwhile, poets and writers have played an important role in regenerating and deepening national identity and drawing the boundaries of this identity, and presented many of its components in their poems. The present paper tries to study the ratio of text and political-social elements in the poem of the Constitutional Revolution using the descriptive-analytical method, while highlighting and analyzing the most important components of national identity in the poems of this period, the role of Constitutional Poets in regeneration Explain the national identity.. Also, these poets, influenced by Shahnameh and the dominant discourse in the pre-Constitutional and Constitutional period, emphasized on three components of the common homeland, common history and common language as the most important components of national identity, and the effect of the consolidation of nationalist discourse in Iranian society Have a lot of fun.

Dr Omid Ghaderzadeh, Mis Fateme Sharifi, Mis Elnaz Hasankhani,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (4-2019)

 Political participation is the main component of political development and  according to the fact that students are considered from political development agents and brokers, their interests are important . The present study dealt with how and why the political participation of students among the students of the Kurdistan University ­­. In the theoretical section , based on the results obtained from the study of empirical sources and reviewing the empirical sources of an integrated conceptual framework ,  it has been formulated in the context of the underlying questions and key assumptions.Research has been conducted by means of the questionnaire using the questionnaire Descriptive descriptions of the study show that the degree of political involvement The students, among the dimensions of political participation , are more involved in low levels of political participation such as voting and participation in elections and a little percentage in political parties and contacts with officials .
Seyed Yaghob Mosavi, Mohammadsadegh Mahdavi, Seysd Yaser Ghorbanpourganji,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (8-2019)

The main objective of this research is the sociological study of the impact of social influences on electoral behavior in Iran's presidential election among citizens living in Mazandaran province. This research is descriptive-analytic and survey is carried out using a researcher-made questionnaire. Using Cochran's formula, 384 individuals were selected as sample size and then statistical sampling was done in a multi-stage sampling method. The theoretical framework of research based on the level of sociological theories has been categorized in three theoretical and operational levels (micro, macro, and median). Field surveys show that women and men, singles and married people differ in terms of electoral behavior, and in terms of location differences There is no difference in living in a city or village and its impact on electoral action. In terms of belonging to job groups and respondents' educational level, there is a significant difference in the type of behavior and participation rate in the elections. Age and income have a reverse and significant relationship with the behavior of the participants in the survey, and the variables of value preferences, media, Social networks, social institutions, social trust, social order, national and religious identity also show a meaningful relationship with electoral behavior.

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مجله علمی پژوهشی مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی فرهنگی Quarterly Journal of Socio - Cultural Development Studies
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