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:: Volume 7, Issue 4 (4-2019) ::
scds 2019, 7(4): 163-188 Back to browse issues page
The Conceptual Model of the principals Competency Development in Secondary School, grounded Theory
Ali Jafari rad , Adel Zahed babolan , Masoud Moradi , Isa Samari
Mohaghegh Ardebili University
Abstract:   (4958 Views)
The purpose of this study was to develop a conceptual model for the competence of high school principals in Tehran province. This qualitative research was carried out using a strategy based on the grounded theory. In this regard, using a targeted approach and theoretical saturation criterion, semi-structured interviews with 17 people (7 faculty members specialized in the field of educational management, 5 educational staff managers in Tehran province and 5 school principals) was applied. To obtain validity and reliability of the data, two methods of reviewing participants and non-participant experts were used. The results of the data analysis in three stages, open coding, theoretical coding and selective coding, represent 17 general categories. This paper analyzed the findings of the study in the paradigmatic model including: causal conditions ( the need for continuous improvement, material and spiritual support (Incentives), changes in knowledge and occupation), the main phenomenon (required knowledge, attitudes, and skills), strategies (development centers , providing direct training, implicit training (experimental), context ( collaborative work , supportive atmosphere, decentralized structure), intervening conditions (policy, rules and regulations of facilitator / barrier) and outcomes (improvement of learning quality, organizational development, professional development).
Keywords: Conceptual Model, Competency, principals
Full-Text [PDF 616 kb]   (898 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/11/29 | Published: 2019/04/30
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jafari rad A, zahed babolan A, moradi M, samari I. The Conceptual Model of the principals Competency Development in Secondary School, grounded Theory. scds 2019; 7 (4) :163-188
URL: http://journals.sabz.ac.ir/scds/article-1-820-en.html

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مجله علمی پژوهشی مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی فرهنگی Quarterly Journal of Socio - Cultural Development Studies
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